Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716



Com objetivo de compreender como a literatura infantil influencia no processo de
desenvolvimento humano e da aprendizagem das crianças, observou-se que os seres
humanos estão em constante transformação, que vai desde o seu período de formação
uterina até o último suspiro de vida e, neste processo de formação é influenciado por
diferentes maneiras pelo meio, para que, aos poucos possa ir se construindo, se
transformando e modificando sua realidade de mundo ao seu redor. A literatura infantil é
um dos elementos que compõe o meio social e que pode favorecer o desenvolvimento
humano despertando vários gatilhos de habilidades capazes de serem desenvolvidas ao
longo de sua vida. Neste trabalho buscamos compreender, por meio de um breve estudo
bibliográfico como a literatura infantil influencia o desenvolvimento das crianças em fase
de alfabetização nos anos iniciais da Educação Básica. Buscamos no estudo bibliográfico
analisar as literaturas que apontam a importância da Literatura Infantil no desenvolvimento
humano e sua contribuição no processo de aprendizagem.
Palavras-chave: literatura infantil; desenvolvimento humano; alfabetização.



In order to understand how children's literature influences the process of human
development and children's learning, it was observed that human beings are in constant
transformation, ranging from their period of uterine formation to the last breath of life and,
in this training process is influenced in different ways by the environment, so that, little by
little, it can build itself, transform itself and modify its reality of the world around it.
Children's literature is one of the elements that make up the social environment and that can
favor human development by awakening several triggers of skills capable of being developed
throughout life. In this work, we seek to understand, through a brief bibliographical study,
how children's literature influences the development of children in the literacy phase in the
early years of Basic Education. We sought in the bibliographic study to analyze the literature
that point to the importance of Children's Literature in human development and its
contribution in the learning process.
Keywords: children's literature; human development; literacy.




Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716

Para comprender cómo la literatura infantil influye en el proceso de desarrollo humano y el
aprendizaje de los niños, se observó que el ser humano se encuentra en constante
transformación, que va desde su período de formación uterina hasta el último aliento de vida
y, en este se influye el proceso de formación. de diferentes maneras por el entorno, para que,
poco a poco, pueda construirse, transformarse y modificar su realidad del mundo que le
rodea. La literatura infantil es uno de los elementos que componen el entorno social y que
puede favorecer el desarrollo humano al despertar varios detonantes de habilidades
susceptibles de desarrollarse a lo largo de la vida. En este trabajo buscamos comprender, a
través de un breve estudio bibliográfico, cómo la literatura infantil influye en el desarrollo de
los niños en fase de lectoescritura en los primeros años de la Educación Básica. Buscamos
en el estudio bibliográfico analizar la literatura que apunta a la importancia de la Literatura
Infantil en el desarrollo humano y su contribución en el proceso de aprendizaje.
Palabras clave: literatura infantil; desarrollo humano, alfabetización.


The habit of narrating, not only children's stories, but countless other literary genres
through orality has been present in humanity for a long time, this was not the only way to
narrate stories, but it is observed that through this narrative ability many of the customs,
beliefs, and all the cultural heritage have been passed down from one generation to another.
This happened in different ways, according to the cultural development present in that
generation, the narratives, many times were made orally or by graphic representations used
at that moment, not in opposition to one another, but parallel, since human cultures have
always been used in different ways to narrate simultaneously.

Over time, stories and narratives continued to coexist and became increasingly
present in society, narrated with different intentions, they gained different characteristics,
forms, and intentions, which came in line with the desires and interests of the generation
that make up the layers of society.

In this way, it is possible to observe that children's stories have been present in
humanity for a long time, contributing in different ways to the human and cultural formation
of each person who makes up society, playing a specific role at each moment according to
the social context of each region.

Children's Literature has always been present in society and increasingly becomes a
fundamental part of the process of human development and education, perhaps because it is
a cultural element that comes with our emotions and allows us to travel to another
dimension, awakening in us skills that are often still unknown, it is considered by many
scholars and even by official documents, such as the National Common Curricular Base, as a
powerful and very important tool for the development and human, psychological and
children's society. With the power to enhance orality, listening, favoring the formation of
new readers, awakening creativity and imagination, in addition to other cognitive factors,
such as thought, language, perception, memory, reasoning, which are enhanced through
literature childish.

However, this article sought to understand, through a literature review, how
children's literature can influence the development of children in the literacy phase in the
early years of Basic Education, starting from the idea that children's literature is, above all, ,
art, (COELHO, 2000) and that can favor and contribute significantly to the development of


Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716

different types of learning, making them more meaningful and enjoyable, also contributing
to the human and cultural formation of children in the literacy phase.

Through a literature review, this article brings together ideas from different authors
that underlie this theme addressed in this article, enhancing knowledge about the influence
that Children's Literature has or can have on human development and training,
understanding how it can contribute positively for the literacy process, as it is possible that
Children's Literature may encounter different emotions, provoking sensibilities, awakening
creativity and the desire to create and recreate realities. Also giving them the possibility to
recognize themselves in an image world, this makes learning happen in a way, in a pleasant
and meaningful way within their own world, created through contact with children's


This research work was carried out through a literature review, using the
methodology developed with the Qualitative Literature Review, where some contemporary
authors who developed their research and studies with children's literature as the central
theme of their work were analyzed. Through the review of these literatures, we sought to
understand children's literature and its contributions to human development, it was possible
to make reflections and analyze several texts and more recent works that enriched the
discussion presented in this work. The qualitative methodology allied to the literature review
allows a wide possibility of deepening the studies, analyzes and contact with different works
that address the theme of Children's Literature in a broader way, thus allowing a work of
comparison and dialogue between the theories that point to different perspectives on the
central theme discussed in the text, allowing new possibilities for interpretation and updating
of knowledge already disclosed and shared to support other studies that have children's
literature as their central theme.

Children's Literature in the School Context

Children's literature is an integral part of human culture present in many of our
human and learning experiences, in which all children should be exposed to experience,
experience moments of interaction with different options for children's books and narratives
that in some way could come against your emotions and desires.

According to the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC, 2018 p. 42)
“experiences with children's literature, proposed by the educator, mediator between texts
and children, contribute to the development of a taste for reading, stimulating imagination
and of expanding knowledge of the world.” In this sense, we can understand that access to
children's literature is a child right provided for in official educational documents and that it
must be present in the school context. It is also understood that children's literature can
provide children with opportunities to move between dreams and reality, thus being able to
create and recreate realities according to their life experiences and the context in which they
are inserted. (COELHO, 2000 p. 27), states that children's literature allows children to
exercise their imagination, as it “merges dreams and practical life, the imaginary and the real,
ideals and their possible/impossible realization”. In line with this idea, we can read in
(RODRIGUES, 2018) that:


Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716

through storytelling, it is possible to work on socialization, recreation,
training, information, attention, language enrichment, stimulation of
imagination and intelligence, emotions, the development of critical and
artistic-literary thinking, develop the habit of reading and teach listening
(p. 9-10).

Children who have contact with children's literature, whether through storytelling,
reading words or images, experience unique and moments, and may even merge the real
world with the imaginary, strengthening and exploring their imaginative abilities to
understand the world. around them, create expectations and develop cognitive skills that are
in development.

According (COELHO, 2000):
children's literature is, first, literature; or rather, it is art: a phenomenon of
creativity that represents the world, man, life through words. It merges
dreams and practical life, the imaginary and the real, ideals and their
possible/impossible realization (p. 27).

Since children's literature is art, it is important to allow and provide opportunities for
reading and contact with children's literature books from early childhood, as this will allow
children in literacy stages to have expanded contact with art, enriching their knowledge, their
experiences , being through the reading of images and their representations, as well as the
contact with written culture in an autonomous and pleasant way, thus being able to build
their cultural repertoire in a playful and interactive way, feeding the imagination and
developing several conscious and unconscious skills that will contribute to the enrichment of
cognitive development and the entire learning process, directly influencing the process of
human formation.

Influence of children's literature on human development

Human development is not something so simple to be explained, but we can think
that children's literature, somehow can influence in different ways in children's development,
both conscious and unconscious. Analyzing that children have several contradictions that
are inherent in life, we read in (BETTELHEIM, 1978) that:

to master the psychological problems of growing up – sort out narcissistic
disappointments, oedipal dilemmas, sibling rivalries, being able to let go of
childhood dependencies; to gain a sense of individuality and self-worth,
and a sense of moral obligation – the child needs to understand what is
going on inside his unconscious self. He can achieve this understanding,
and with it the ability to deal with things, not through rational
understanding of the nature and content of his unconscious, but by
becoming familiar with it through prolonged daydreaming - ruminating,
rearranging, and fantasizing about suitable elements. of the story in
response to unconscious pressures. With this, the child adapts the
unconscious content to the conscious fantasies, which enables him to deal
with this content (p. 16).

In this way, we understand how important it is for the child to have contact with
children's literature, whether through reading or storytelling, which also gives children more
possibilities for them to enrich their imagination by listening to and interacting with stories
in children's literature, thus enriching the narrative experiences they already bring with them


Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716

from their family context. Frantz (2001, p. 16, apud KERBE E ALLEBRANDT, 2014)
points out that “children's literature is also playfulness, it is fantasy, it is questioning, and in
this way, it manages to help find answers to the countless questions of the children's world,
enriching in the reader the ability to perceive things.” In this way, it can be understood that
the contact with children's literature allows the little ones the opportunity to reinvent their
realities and give new meaning to the world that surrounds them.

Through stories, children can discover other places, other cultures, other social
organizations, and different social configurations from which they are inserted. Also,
through experience, contact with children's literature, children can have other opportunities,
ways to travel through the world of imagination and fantasy, discovering themselves and
finding answers to internal conflicts, common to the children's world. In this sense, we can
understand that children's literature can have a great influence on human development,
including children who are in the literacy phase, because according to (CRUZ E
LUTERMAN, 2016):

every child has the right and likes to play. The same joy and freedom that
she feels when playing are possible when reading a book, being able to
explore knowledge and be satisfied with learning. Entertainment is highly
mobilized in children's literature precisely because it relates to the
projection of children's identity interests. When you do what you like, the
result can be pleasurable and rewarding learning (p. 172).

Analyzing the text by (CRUZ E LUTERMAN, 2016) it is understood that the fact
that reading is linked to playfulness and pleasure can significantly influence the learning
process of children in the literacy phase, because, as the authors point out, when the child
does what he likes, he develops skills and abilities that translate into learning that happens in
a pleasurable and rewarding way. Closing this idea, the authors point out that:

there are countless learning possibilities that can happen through
children's literary readings based on daily planning, beneficial both for the
teachers responsible for education in the early years and for society, which
becomes more sensitive to aesthetics, in a more humane way, because, in
this way, humanization occurs in childhood, in addition to the intellectual
formation of the child (2016, p.172-173).

It can be read in this excerpt from the work presented by the authors, that in
addition to influencing the development of thought, language, perception, memory,
reasoning, children's literature can also provide children with various possibilities, learning
experiences, meeting what it says (SILVA, 2019), we read that:

reading is a valuable social practice and of great importance in
contributing to the development of human cognition, especially of a child.
It provides the development of intellect and imagination, in addition to
promoting the acquisition of knowledge (p. 19).

However, it is understood that both for children and for adult teachers, parents or
educators, literary reading allows its readers to explore new worlds and live new experiences,
creating and recreating new realities. Furthermore, children's literature can allow teachers,
parents, or educators to get to know the children they are dedicated to teaching better,
offering them moments of contact with art and socially meaningful and pleasant learning


Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716

Digital technologies and children's literature

In the contemporary context we can talk about children's literature and the
formation of readers considering the technological advances that have directly affected the
current one, contributing to several transformations in all spheres of society. Digital
communication and information technologies are being increasingly used in the educational
scenario, it is believed that they can provide some benefits such as interactivity with the
virtual book, access to a collection of books without leaving home, among other issues that
can influence even the reader's motivation, contributing to the development of learning,
reading, and even enhancing the formation of future fluent readers. Such technologies, when
used and applied creatively, responsibly, and with clear objectives, can positively contribute
to the development of skills related to the development of children in the literacy phase.

It is believed that the new digital technologies are instruments that can streamline the
teaching and learning process, especially in terms of encouraging reading, the use of these
tools has different benefits, both for students and for teachers. (KLASSMANN and SILVA,
2018, p. 09) state that “These technologies may be able to mediate the study between
students, educators and machines, instigating research and the search for new knowledge
through an attractive pedagogical action”.

Thus, it is understood that digital communication technologies can somehow favor
the formation of new readers, and can also enhance the learning process, contributing in
different ways so that students can develop fully and experience different learning
experiences, and readings through technologies that allow dynamic interactivity in a more
interactive and participatory way.

Many skills needed in the initial phase of basic education can be enhanced and
stimulated in the development of pedagogical practice in the classroom in continuous work
with the child.

According to (LIMA, 2010) we read that:
the most important cultural impact of information and communication
technologies may be the potential reinforcement of culturally dominant
social networks. In this revolution, the important role of digitized
information in the new socioeconomic and cultural processes is evident,
and it is also possible to identify three processes that are profoundly
transforming contemporary society and, consequently, the ways of being,
thinking, acting, and feeling of citizens. men, they are virtuality,
interactivity, and globalization (p. 225).

However, it is observed that advances in technology occur gradually and new
creations and technological innovations have been occurring over time, at every moment the
human being develops some tool, or any other utensil that must be used to facilitate human
life. During technological advances, it is notable that the development of information and
communication technologies has directly impacted the lives of human beings and the entire
ecosystem. Such technological advances are constituted from something that is apparently
simple, like a pencil, a pen, etc. as something more sophisticated, such as cutting-edge
computers and software, it all depends on the social context and the moment in which each
generation finds itself.

Technologies allow and provide significant changes in society, shaping and
transforming cultures and generations, as pointed out (LIMA et. al, 2010, p. 215) “This
growing evolution of technological elements in capitalist society has significantly
revolutionized the way of living, thinking, act and communicate, radically altering the


Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716

structure of society based on traditional production patterns.” However, with regard to the
school context, in a society of constant evolution, it is perceived that there is still a need for
school institutions to try to keep up with, or adapt to, these technological innovations,
adapting to the social context and the its transformations, to meet the demand and prepare
its students to face the challenges that arise in society inserted in a technological culture, as
pointed out (KLASSMANN and SILVA, 2018):

digital educational technologies are modernized every day and society
demands that education prepare students to face new situations all the
time, thus requiring that the school ceases to be just synonymous with
transferring information and becomes a mediator of knowledge (p. 5).

What he says (KLASSMANN and SILVA, 2018) is in line with what MORAN
(1995) says when stating that technologies can provide numerous benefits in relation to
teaching and learning, the author declares that:

technologies allow a new enchantment in the school, by opening its walls
and allowing students to talk and research with other students from the
same city, country or abroad, at their own pace. The same goes for
teachers. Research papers can be shared by other students and instantly
posted on the network to anyone who wants to. Students and teachers
find numerous electronic libraries, online magazines, with many texts,
images, and sounds, which facilitate the task of preparing classes, doing
research work and having attractive materials for presentation. The
teacher can be closer to the student. He can receive messages with
questions, he can pass on additional information to certain students. You
can adapt your class to the pace of each student. You can seek help from
other colleagues about problems that arise, new programs for your area of
knowledge. The teaching-learning process can thus gain unusual
dynamism, innovation, and power of communication (MORAN, 1995,

So, we see one of the great benefits of digital technologies in relation to reading,
because, as the author says, they allow access to numerous online libraries, and this can be
very attractive and motivating to the student who is new to reading, as he will be able to
look for his book preferred through technology, of course accompanied, supervised, and
guided by the teacher. Activity that can also be taken home, so that family members, using a
computer or cell phone, can research the book of their choice with the child to have a
moment of reading mediated by technology.

In this way, it is observed that digital technologies, being used in schools in a
conscious and creative way, can contribute significantly to the process of teaching and
learning and reading, as they have the power to enchant students and teachers, allowing
them to knowledge goes beyond the classroom, helping both teachers and students to be
autonomous in their learning process and knowledge updating.

This possibility of using digital technologies to enrich the pedagogical practice in the
classroom can significantly favor learning and contribute positively to the formation of
readers of different genres, as it allows them to access diverse collections, interact with the
material, share your ideas, among other possibilities. Furthermore, with the use of
technologies in the classroom, it is possible for activities to be developed in different ways,
allowing students to have access to a vast field of knowledge that has materials and other
resources that lead them to have various experiences. of learning in the process of
construction and socialization of knowledge.


Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716

The National Common Curricular Base points out that: (BNCC, 2018) when stating

children's experiences in their family, social and cultural context, their
memories, their belonging to a group and their interaction with the most
diverse information and communication technologies are sources that
stimulate their curiosity and the formulation of questions. Stimulating
creative, logical, and critical thinking, by building and strengthening the
ability to ask questions and evaluate answers, to argue, to interact with
different cultural productions, to make use of information and
communication technologies, enables students to to broaden their
understanding of themselves, of the natural and social world, of the
relationships of human beings with each other and with nature (BRASIL,
2018 p. 58).

Analyzing the quoted excerpt from the official document that guides the educational
work, one understands the importance of using digital information and communication
technologies in the school context, in a conscious, creative way and with clear objectives.
Faced with the countless experiences that these tools can provide to students in the learning
context, it is important to reflect on the use of these technological tools so that they can
influence and contribute to the process of developing reading skills and training new readers
who attend the early years of basic education.

Digital technologies make it possible for teachers and students to advance in their
studies in a more autonomous, dynamic, and creative way, taking into account the significant
advances in terms of time, distances and access to various materials and resources available
and that can be accessed from any location. place through electronic devices that connect to
the web, such as cell phones, computers, tablets, etc. (CRUZ, 2021) states that:

one of the great advantages that the new technological resources and the
internet provided was, without a doubt, greater access to information,
greater agility in this process, and also the possibility of gradually reducing
problems related to time and space, which are often major obstacles in the
teaching/learning process. The understanding of digital literacy advances
with emphasis on social practices, contributing and adding the importance
of, in addition to the skills of locating and selecting material on the web,
the importance of the ability to evaluate and use research critically to
transform information into knowledge, developing strategies needed to
deal with navigation and reading skills, such as locating, evaluating,
synthesizing, integrating and reflecting on the information found (p. 19).

Thus, we observe in the work of (CRUZ, 2021) that both students and teachers who
live in a society permeated by new digital communication and information technologies need
to develop digital literacy, of course each school must respect its reality, but all must seek
ways to adapt to the current context of contemporary society, which is constantly evolving.
Based on this understanding, it is believed that current technological resources can favor the
students' cognitive development process, in a very significant way in the literacy process, and
especially in the process of building the reading skill, as these tools enable the interaction of
most children, from a very early age, with the resources available on the web that provide
numerous recreational activities involving reading.

Such possibilities of electronic readings rely on contributions that use visual
resources, colors, sound, with themes that are very attractive to the children's universe.


Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716

These tools hold children's attention and can contribute significantly to them developing
reading skills and advancing in the literacy and reading process in line with this idea.

The fascination that computerized activities promote in children's daily
lives leads children to carry them out in a playful way, as they can play,
create, learn, and communicate with pleasure and creativity. In this way,
the computer as a ludic element provides the child with the expression of
his thoughts, imaginary situations and his own social relations, because
when playing, the real and the creative interact continuously, not existing
contradictions between them, but affinities that allow the their continuous
interrelationship (PEREIRA and CORDENONSI, 2009, p. 4).

As (PEREIRA and CORDENONSI, 2009) there is an affinity perceived by the
authors between children and digital technologies, it can strengthen the idea that there are
positive contributions of digital technologies for the development of reading skills and for
the development of the literacy process, in addition to the Moreover, in the same work the
authors point out that:

digital children's stories also represent a rich didactic material, with
cognitive functions, which help in the construction of knowledge. They
are intrinsically motivating, usually based on social and cultural factors, all
related to the act of playing and imitating with characteristics of fantasy,
challenges, and curiosity (p. 4).

Thus, it can be observed that digital children's stories also become very attractive to
children and motivate them to be in contact with this practice, as they are usually related to
their daily lives, to their context, in a playful way in which the real world mixes with the
imagination and learning becomes meaningful and pleasurable, this also happens with other
forms of contact with children's literature, but in recent times this contact has become more
common through digital technologies.

Therefore, the authors also advise that:

related to the use of ICTs in pedagogical activities, it is important to
observe some underlying concepts in various educational software aimed
at the child's literacy process both in early childhood education and in the
first years of elementary school. With a dynamic and pleasant visual
language, much software emanate from traditional teaching concepts and
lead to a passive attitude on the part of the student (PEREIRA and
CORDENONSI, 2009, p. 5).

Therefore, the teacher needs to be prepared and attentive to these new pedagogical
proposals, considering that digital technologies allow for other possibilities and can
contribute to the teaching and learning process, presenting novelties and pedagogical
strategies that can be very attractive. Undoubtedly, the teacher needs to have a clear idea
presented in the work of (PEREIRA and CORDENONSI, 2009, p. 5) that “participation in
practices with the computer creates a new type of reading and a new writing, which distance
themselves in some aspects of the same activities carried out on paper supports”. Therefore,
digital technologies can be used in the classroom as an innovative tool to aid teaching and
learning, which can significantly contribute to the advancement of this process, being a
resource that goes beyond traditional teaching based on the use of textbooks. and the frame.

However, we can also understand that it is a great challenge to make the use of new
digital technologies in the classroom something common, which blends into the daily life of


Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716

the school, which is accessible to the entire student community. (SANTOS, ALMEIDA,
ZANOTELLO, 2018) They point out that:

a challenge is to make the use of ICT at school as meaningful as the daily
use of these resources. In this way, it is not a question of creating
computer labs with fixed and punctual schedules, but of incorporating
technologies into the routine of the classroom, as resources available to
students and teachers. In a time when access to information and education
possibilities become ubiquitous and in which various media resources that
influence people's reading modes coexist (p. 336).

For, for the use of digital technologies to be constant and common to the day-to-day
life of the school, the school environment needs to be adapted, prepared for this context.
Equipped with devices that allow the use of these tools, both by teachers and students in a
more autonomous way. (SANTOS, ALMEIDA, ZANOTELLO, 2018), recall that:

providing opportunities for technology to be incorporated into
educational processes in the same way as it is used in everyday social life,
mobilizing knowledge, meeting demands, contributing to problem solving
and encouraging student and teacher autonomy and protagonist, is only
possible when the educational environment is technologically well
equipped (p. 333).

In this sense, it is worth remembering that digital communication and information
technologies can make a significant contribution to the teaching and learning process,
especially in terms of reading and training readers, but it is necessary that the parts are
interconnected, so that everything works together. in favor of a significant advance in this
phase of development of learning and reading skills. Because, in the context where the
scenario is one of constant transformation and evolution with regard to the new digital
technologies of information and communication, it is observed that, over time, reading has
been acquiring several meanings and new interpretations about the act of reading and
different ways of interpreting and contemplating the reading skills that involve the act of
reading arise, (PREVEDELLO and NOAL, 2010) point out that:

over time, the concept of reading has been changing. New ways of
thinking, acting, and communicating are introduced as commonplace
habits. There have never been so many changes in everyday life, mediated
by multiple and sophisticated technologies. Every day, people are
challenged in the most diverse situations in which it is necessary to use
reader skills, not only of written texts, but, above all, to understand the
world around them, read their own lives and be protagonists in them. (p.

However, the authors' speech is in line with what was already said (FREIRE, 1994)
when stating that "Reading is a particular way of interpreting the world", it is known that
speaks in another context, however, makes us reflect and believe that reading is something
that flows naturally, at its time, in each human being.

Still resorting to (FREIRE, 1994, p. 13) we read that:
movement in which the spoken word flows from the world even through
the reading we do of it. In a way, however, we can go further and say that
reading the word is not only preceded by reading the world, but by a
certain way of “writing” or “rewriting” it, that is, of transforming it. it
through our conscious practice.


Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716

Thus, it is understood that it is not simply reading the world we are inserted in, but

writing it or even rewriting it, this is through the different readings that the individual makes
of the world, that is, he can transform it, modify it, and adapt it to its context, being an
integral part, a transforming agent of its own reality.

Bearing in mind that reading is something fundamental in the lives of human beings,
it is worth using all available resources to enhance this ability and broaden the horizons that
allow contacts with different cultural groups and textual genres that can enrich the individual
in the formation of the habit. of reading. (PREVEDELLO and NOAL, 2010) point out

information and communication technologies (ICTs) abuse audiovisual
language to capture their viewers and users, so it becomes necessary to
reflect on the effects and implications of these technologies in the
teaching-learning process. The contemporary reader is surrounded by
ways of reading that go beyond books, the internet enables, in addition to
new forms of communication and access to information, new means of
coordinated interactions in the virtual universe of knowledge (p. 6).

Therefore, it is believed that digital technologies can be great allies in the process of
developing reading skills, as they allow students to have different experiences during the
process, in a pleasant and very attractive way. In this sense, it is observed that the teacher
needs to be prepared to use new teaching strategies with their students, in the text by
(PREVEDELLO and NOAL, 2010), they state that:

in view of this, it is important to emphasize that the teacher starts to have
different roles to play, and for that it is necessary to prepare. Many
educators, concerned with the importance of reading in human
development, are changing their methodologies, because, to live in a
globalized world, and with the constant scientific and technological
evolution, it is necessary for the student to be able to actively participate in
the society in which he is inserted as a transforming agent and not as a
mere spectator (p. 6).

In this way, it is understood that technologies can contribute in different ways to the
teaching and learning process, being able to enhance the process of developing reading skills
and contributing in some way to the formation of readers in the contemporary context that
is composed, permeated by different technologies. digital, which facilitate access to
communication and information, also bringing several reading possibilities. However, it is
observed that teachers need to be constantly preparing themselves so that they can innovate
in their teaching strategies, thus being able to use the technological resources available in the
globalized society as an instrument of pedagogical support and support in the teaching and
learning process, as well literary reading can be used as a work option, especially children's
literature, with students who attend the initial years of basic education.


Through a literature review on the theme addressed in this research work, it was
possible to go through a path of reflection and questioning about the role of children's
literature in human formation and the contribution of digital technologies to the
development and encouragement of children's literary reading. It was also noticeable that
children's literature has the power to transform and shape feelings, because according to the


Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716

authors presented here, it was possible to perceive that children's literature, first of all, is a
work of art, it is access to a wide cultural range that allows its readers to travel in the world
of imagination.

In the development of this work, it was possible to understand the importance of
children's literature for human development and to reflect on its contribution to the
development of learning, critical thinking, imagination and artistic skills. It was also possible
to understand how digital information and communication technologies can contribute to
the process of developing reading skills, strengthening the learning process. It was observed
that it is through children's literature, whether with the support of digital technologies or in
modern or traditional physical books, that the child can travel through the world of
imagination, discover new worlds, explore new cultures, enter the unconscious by accessing
their emotions, know and understand each other through the different readings made
possible by children's books.

It was also observed the great relevance of this literature for children in the literacy
phase and for all their human formation, both for developing different skills and for the
formation of an emotional character. In addition to the studied authors, opportunities for
reflections on the use of children's literature in the literacy process were also found in the
National Common Curricular Base, and it was perceived that it is up to schools, teachers and
families to provide children, from a very early age, with access to children's literature, both
through handling books and storytelling, exposing children to different learning situations as
an element capable of enhancing the development of their skills.

However, the theme addressed in this research work for the conclusion of the
course raises questions and calls for more reflection on the part of the educational
environment and for all those interested in the subject that involves literature and human
formation. Thus, there may be clearer understandings about the subject and its applicability
in reality, an investigative work would be necessary to deepen the knowledge on the subject
addressed in this article in a more summarized way. It is worth mentioning that this work
awakens us to continue studying and investigating this theme that directly influences the
cultural human formation of individuals.


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Submetido em mês de novembro 2022

Aprovado em fevereiro de 2023

Informações do(a)(s) autor(a)(es)
Nome do autor: Carlos Leonardo Lesniowski


Revista Científica Educ@ção v.8 ● n.13 ● jan-dez/2023 ● Demanda contínua.


ISSN 2526-8716

Afiliação institucional: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduação em
Formação Científica, Educacional e Tecnológica (PPGFCET) – Doutorado Profissional
E-mail: carloslesniowski@gmail.com
Link Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4997142370707754

Nome do autor: Franceli Costa Cavalcante
Afiliação institucional: Faculdade Censupeg
E-mail: francelicosta@hotmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9011-1916
Link Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2987856132837625

Nome do autor: Francisco Carlos da Silva Caetano
Afiliação institucional: Universidade
Federal do Paraná
E-mail: fcarloscaetanio@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9849-427X
Link Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5746436220180664