Palabras clave:
Action research. Learning process. Pre and post-tests. Social media. EFL.Resumen
This action research was developed in a private school in Ecuador. It aimed to explore how
social media could foster students’ English skills. Due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19,
all the exploration was online. The participants were students from 13 to 15 years old.
Internet access and technological gadgets were essential aspects during this learning process
because they allowed the students to learn and practice the target language differently. The
students’ English level was A1 according to the diagnostic test they took at the beginning of
the school year. The data was collected through pre- and post-surveys, pre and post-tests,
and rubrics. During this process, there were online sessions where the participants interacted
with international students from some countries around the world to practice their English
skills. As a result, the participants acquired more vocabulary and improved their interaction,
accuracy, and writing organization. Furthermore, they manifested how useful was to include
social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as part of their English lessons.
AL-JARRAH, Tamer.; AL-JARRAH, Mohammad.; TALAFHAH, Rania; MANSOR, Noraien. The role of social media in the development of English language writing skills at school level. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development,
v. 8, n. 1, p. 87–99, 2019.
AL-TAMIMI, Manal.; AL-KHAWALDEH, Ahmad.; ALNATSHEH, Hashem.; HARAZNEH, Amer. The effect of using Facebook on improving English language writing skills and vocabulary enrichment among University of Jordan sophomore students. Journal of
Social Sciences, COES&RJ-JSS, v. 7. P. 187-214, 2018.
ASANOV, Igor; FLORES, Francisco; MCKENZIE, David; MENSMANN, Mona; SCHULTE, Mathias. Remote-learning, time-use, and mental health of Ecuadorian highschool students during the COVID-19 Quarantine. In: WORLD BANK GROUP, Development Research Group, Development Economics, 2020.
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